As the name implies, each if-then rule consists of a Boolean expression that determines whether to execute one or multiple actions specified in the then clauses. 和其名称一样,每个if-then规则包含一个Boolean表达式,用于确定是否执行在then子句中指定的一个或多个操作。
Rule services enable the encapsulation of simple if-then business rules, which can be wired into a business process and applied to the process data, causing appropriate actions to be executed. 规则服务能够封装简单的if-then业务规则,可以连接到业务流程中并应用于流程数据,从而执行相应的操作。
Decision trees provide an alternative representation of sequential if-then rule sets. 决策树提供了序列if-then规则集的另一种表示形式。
Accor-( ding) to the if-then rule, the modulator will map the different sample periods into the corresponding degrees, then the multi-rate sampling based on self-adaption is realized. 模糊调节器可根据调节规则将不同采样周期映射到相应的等级,实现自适应多速率采样。
Based on assigning a conditional probability factor ( p ( B| A)) to each if-then fuzzy rule ( e.g. A-B), Additive-Multiplicative Fuzzy Neural Networks with probability factor has been presented. 4)通过给每条模糊if-then规则(例如A→B)赋予一个条件概率(p(BA))的方法,提出了带概率因子的加乘型模糊神经网络。
The decision tree can be easily expressed by IF-THEN rule. 决策树很容易用IF-THEN规则进行表达。
Fuzzy system is a kind of knowledge-based or rule-based system, its heart is the rule base consists of if-then rules. 模糊系统是一种基于知识或规则的系统,它的核心大多是if-then规则所组成的知识库。
Linguistic variables are introduced to describe activity duration and resource amount. Duration of activity can be seen as a function of resource amount, so we established a non-linear relation between them based on if-then rule. 接下来,用模糊语义变量描述了资源供给数量和工序持续时间,将工序工期看作是资源数量的一个函数,以如果-则规则建立了资源数量与工序持续时间的非线性关系。